St Patrick’s day 2021
Trip down the parade memory lane
Hi everybody who is up for the St Patrick’s day parade in Clara on Wednedsay , tune into from 12:00 on the day and relive the craic from the warmth of the kitchen and please God we will be there in person next year.
Offaly Comhaltas zoom session Sunday 14th
Time: Mar 14, 2021 06:00 PM Dublin
Join Zoom Meeting
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AGM 2020
Our branch Annual General Meeting takes place online on the 28th of October @ 8pm,
If any branch members have not yet received an invitation to the google-meet event then please contact your secretary by email to ‘’
Culture Night 2020
This year we take things online and bring Culture night right into your home, where ever that may be around the world, so sit back, relax, hit the play button, and enjoy the show.
Thank you to all who contributed in any way to the making of this program, we hope you enjoyed it. Please God next year we will be able to bring you a live show and all that that entails in the magnificent ballroom of Charleville castle.
If you would like to complete a survey on this years Culture night entertainment please click on the survey link below.
Céilí in the Kitchen
Cruinniú na nÓg to take place on 13th June 2020
You won’t need to leave the house to join a Céilí, you can have one right there in your own home.
Follow the link below to access weekly video workshops by choreographer Edwina Guckian, singer Cathy Jordan, musician Thomas Johnston and storyteller Mikel Murfi. The whole family can learn together and then on the 13th of June share your Céilí using #CreativeIreland and #InThisTogether.